A number of 4,759,711 pensioners were registered in January 2024 in Romania, with 7,713 fewer people compared to the previous month, and the average pension was 2,244 RON, according to data centralized by the National House of Public Pensions (CNPP).
(1 euro = rd 4.96 RON)
Of these, 644,740 had periods of working in agriculture, the average pension being 639 RON.
From the total number of pensioners in the public pension system, the number of those who retired at the age limit was 3,815,430 people, of which 2,192,505 were women, while the average pension was 2,501 RON.
In January 2024, 5,351 people received early pension (3,166 RON, average pension), 89,295 people received partial early pension (2,301 RON average pension) and 395,302 people (average pension 967 RON), disability, of which 45,022 people for the first degree of disability (833 RON, average pension).
In the same month, the survivor’s pension was granted to a number of 454,205 people (1,173 RON average pension), while 128 pensioners received social aid (540 RON, on average).
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